People Involved with the UK Neuroinformatics Node

Steering Group, updated July 2015

Leslie Smith (Co-Chair), University of Stirling

Stephen Eglen (Co-Chair) , University of Cambridge

J. Douglas Armstrong, University of Edinburgh

Rafal Bogacz, University of Oxford>

Ingo Bojak, University of Reading

Ari Ercole, University of Cambridge

Bruce Graham, University of Stirling

Marc de Kamps, University of Leeds

David Menon, University of Cambridge

Thomas Nowotny, University of Sussex

Rasmus Petersen, University of Manchester

Evelyne Sernagor, University of Newcastle

Angus Silver, University College London

V. Anne Smith, University of St. Andrews

David Willshaw, University of Edinburgh


You can email the steering group at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   For admin requests, email Stephen Eglen.